We Help You Get Paid
Over the past 15 years, CES successfully recouped over $43 million from payors on behalf of our physician members. CMA’s practice management experts provide free one-on-one assistance to physician members and their staff on a host of practice operational issues. These services include reimbursement and contract related issues, along with other practice management issues, like new law implementation, guidance to help your practice run more efficiently — including direct assistance streamlining workflows, optimizing patient scheduling, and managing the revenue cycle. Assistance ranges from coaching and education to direct intervention with payors or regulators. Access to CMA’s practice management experts is members’ only benefit.
When do I call CMA?
CMA members can call on CMA’s practice management experts for free one-on-one help with contracting, billing, and payment problems. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, it might be time to call for help.
- Are your claims not being paid in a timely manner?
- Do you need help identifying common practice mistakes costing you money?
- Do you need assistance creating a business case as to why a payor should consider contracting/re-contracting with your practice?
- Do you need assistance analyzing your A/R reports or creating effective follow-up protocols?
- Do you need help understanding the laws on payment and billing for out-of-network services or assistance utilizing the independent dispute resolution processes to appeal for additional payment?
- Are you looking for guidance on how to optimize patient flow, including scheduling, insurance verification, and check-in/check-out procedures at your practice?
- Are you receiving untimely refund requests or is a payor recouping money without first notifying you in writing of a refund request?
- Do you need help with Medicare claims or provider enrollment issues?
- Are your claims being denied after obtaining prior authorization?
- Are you receiving unreasonable requests for medical records?
- Have you done everything you can to resolve an issue with a payor, including appealing, and have been unsuccessful?
Call CMA’s reimbursement helpline today for assistance.
Reimbursement Helpline: (800) 786-4262 | Email Us
For more information on our tools and resources, visit our Practice Management page.