

CMA and its county medical societies provide many avenues to get involved, including opportunities to volunteer; serve on a committee, council or board; and shape the future of the medical profession.

Federal Opportunities

California Delegation to AMA

The AMA House of Delegates (HOD) is the legislative and policy-making body of the American Medical Association. State medical associations and national medical specialty societies are represented, along with AMA sections, national societies, professional interest medical associations, and the federal services, including the Public Health Service.

CMA welcomes nominations for physicians interested in serving as at-large delegates and alternates on the California Delegation to the AMA HOD.

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State Opportunities

CMA House of Delegates

The CMA House of Delegates (HOD) consists of more than 500 delegates elected by members of component medical societies, specialty societies, and CMA sections and forums, representing virtually every mode of practice and region of the state. CMA’sHouse of Delegates convenes annually to debate on the most important issues affecting members, the Association, and the practice of medicine.

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CMA Standing Councils and Committees

CMA councils and committees function as policy advisory bodies and report to the Board of Trustees on resolutions and other matters referred by the Board. Councils also function as reference committees of the House of Delegates and report to the House on matters as required by the CMA Bylaws.

For more information, check out the Councils and Subcommittees Service FAQ sheet.

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CMA Technical Advisory Committees

CMA's technical advisory committees (TACs) are convened by and provide key input to the Board of Trustees to guide the association on specific topics. Recent examples include: Health Care Reform TAC, Diversity and Inclusion TAC, and Governance TAC.

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CMA Board of Trustees

CMA's Board of Trustees is comprised of CMA's seven elected officers and elected trustees from 11 regional districts, as well as elected trustees representing the Specialty Delegation, Medical Student Section, Resident and Fellow Section, Young Physician Section, Organized Medical Staff Section, Ethnic Medical Organization Section and Mode of Practice Forums.

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CMA Executive Committee

CMA's Executive Committee is comprised of seven officers, and their responsibilities encompass chairing the Board of TrusteesHouse of Delegates and/or Executive Committee, as well as serving as CMA spokespersons. Members of the CMA executive committee are elected to serve by their peers via the CMA House of Delegates. 

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CMA Mode of Practice Forums

CMA’s mode of practice forums include the Solo and Small-Group Practice Forum, the Medium Group Practice Forum, the Large Group Practice Forum, the Very Large Group Practice Forum, the Academic Practice Forum, the Administrative Medicine Forum, the Government Employed and the Hospital-Based Physicians Forum. Membership in these forums is determined by each member’s self-selected mode of practice

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CALPAC Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing entity of CALPAC, CMA’s political organization to advocate for the welfare of physicians and patients through political advocacy, including supporting candidates for office. Members of the CALPAC Board of Directors play a critical role in educating candidates for office, encouraging physicians to participate in the political process, and raising funds to directly and indirectly support physicians and physician-friendly candidates for office. 

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Physicians for a Healthy California Board of Directors

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) -- formerly known as the CMA Foundation -- is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to improving community health, growing a diverse physician workforce and promoting health equity.


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CalHealthCares Advisory Council

The CalHealthCares loan repayment program works collaboratively to support and incentivize physicians and dentists to increase their participation in the Medi-Cal program. The CalHealthCares Advisory Council is responsible for providing recommendations and guidance on the  program, including establishing eligibility criteria, drafting the program application, developing scoring guidelines and reviewing applications.


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CalMedForce Advisory Council

CalMedForce provides grant funding to graduate medical education programs, to train physicians and help California address its growing physician shortage. The CalMedForce Advisory Council is responsible for providing counsel on governance, policy, program and operations.  This includes, but is not limited to, establishing grant eligibility and funding criteria, reviewing applications, making awardee recommendations, developing administrative and operational procedures, as well as program evaluation.


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Local Opportunities

District Delegations to the HOD

CMA's House of Delegates includes 11 regional districts, and convenes annually to debate on the most important issues affecting members, the association, and the practice of medicine.

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District Trustees

CMA's Board of Trustees includes trustees from each of the association's 11 regional districts. More detail here.

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Medical Society Board of Directors

Each of CMA's local component medical societies is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of local physician leaders.

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SPIRIT Program

Since 1995, the Sacramento Physicians' Initiative to Reach out, Innovate and Teach (SPIRIT) program of the Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society (SSVMS) has worked to increase access to specialty health care for underserved residents of our region. The SPIRIT program addresses the healthcare needs of our community’s most vulnerable patients, thereby reducing the strain on hospital emergency services.

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CMA Service Awards

Every year, CMA honors inspirational physician members with the association's four main service awards. These awards are celebrated during CMA annual House of Delegates meeting in October. 

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PHC Leadership Awards

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) and the Network of Ethnic Physician Organizations (NEPO) honor extraordinary individuals and organizations through PHC's annual Leadership Awards, which celebrate the efforts of those who make a difference in the health of Californians. 

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Organizational Structure

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