December 03, 2024
By Friday, March 14, 2025, your organization is required to provide the California Medical Association (CMA) and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) with 2024 continuing medical education (CME) activities data through ACCME’s Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS).
We encourage you to start early and enter data into PARS now! Enter all activities that started in 2024 and close all activities that also ended in 2024. We encourage you to enter activities throughout the year as they are implemented, by entering basic information about an activity before it has taken place and then completing the entry after the activity has occurred. Once you have completed all required fields and added your total learner counts for all activities that ended in 2024, you will need to actively change the status of those activities to “closed.”
In January 2025, ACCME will open its annual agreement and program summary pages.
Note that while ACCME requires year end reporting to be completed by March 31, 2025, CMA’s due date is March 14, 2025, to allow time for our audit.
As always, CMA CME staff is available to help answer any questions you may have. Contact us at