Speakers Message: Sept. 26, 2024

CMA publishes MACRA resource center

September 27, 2024

Important HOD Updates: Major Issue Reports, Required Policy Acknowledgement and Friday Activities

Dear Colleagues:

The 153rd Annual Session of the California Medical Association (CMA) House of Delegates (HOD) will convene October 26-27, 2024, at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in downtown Sacramento. As you plan your participation in the meeting, your Speakers request that you carefully review the following information.

Major Issues and Other Reports Now Available

Major issue reports, other actionable reports and informational reports are now posted on the HOD website and open for testimony. Your suggestions and feedback will be considered for incorporation into the revised reports, which will be the "business on the table" at HOD. You must be logged into the CMA website to access these materials.

Engagement Timeline

  • Sept. 26: Testimony now open for all actionable reports. To provide testimony, click here
  • Oct. 4: Submit any testimony on actionable reports until 11:59 p.m.
  • Oct. 16: Revised major issue reports will be posted. Early extractions and amendment portals will be opened for actionable reports.
  • Oct. 22: All are invited to attend our virtual New Delegate Orientation from 6:30-7:30 p.m. We strongly encourage new members to attend and suggest that returning members participate as a "refresher" from time to time.
  • Oct. 23: We will accept early amendments online through this date. Further amendments may be submitted in-person once HOD officially convenes.

REQUIRED: Acknowledgement of CMA’s Policies on Professionalism

This year, we are requiring all attendees (including delegates, staff and guests) to acknowledge CMA’s Policies on Professionalism prior to receiving a name badge. To help expedite this process, we have added all Delegates and Alternates into our expected attendee list. Click here now to view and acknowledge the policies. Guests and emergency additions will be added to the list and will be able to acknowledge policy as we process those requests.

House of Delegates Schedule/Location

The latest version of our Schedule of Events and Agenda are posted on the HOD website, which will be continuously updated until we get to House. Please check with your delegation coordinator for information about your own delegation’s caucus meetings and meal functions. While most events will take place in the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center (Ballroom B and Foyer), some meetings will be hosted at the nearby Sheraton Grand Hotel and Hyatt Regency Hotel. Click here to see our events map.

Sessions for the 2024 HOD are scheduled as follows:

  • Saturday, Oct. 26:
    • 8 to 11:30 a.m. (first session)
    • 1 to 5 p.m. (second session)
  • Sunday, Oct. 27:
    • 8 to 11:30 a.m. (third session)
    • 1 to 3:30 p.m. (fourth session)

Because HOD starts bright and early on Saturday, and because it is required to check-in at our registration counter before participating, we strongly encourage all members to check-in on Friday afternoon. Also happening on Friday:

  • 3–7 p.m.: HOD Registration and Exhibit Hall open. Free headshots are available, so consider bringing your white coat. 

  • 4–6 p.m.: Welcome Reception

  • 4:30–6 p.m.: Discussion Panel: AI – Fact and Fiction

Reminder: Take our HOD Survey by Sept. 30

We value your opinion to guide our continuous quality improvement. Please participate in our short survey on HOD. If you completed this survey earlier this year, you do not need to take it again. If you experienced technical difficulties with the survey sent earlier this year, we would appreciate your participation in this new version.

Respiratory Virus Season

Your Speakers have determined that we will not be requiring specific anti-COVID measures for this year’s annual session. We recognize that there are concerns about the rise in respiratory viruses during the fall; to that end, we encourage the following:

  • For attendees to stay up to date on the latest recommended flu, COVID and RSV (for ages 75+) vaccines
  • For attendees to exercise good judgment about the suitability for their participation at an in-person meeting in a large group setting based on their personal health needs
  • For attendees to monitor their own health and to utilize high-quality masks, tests, and/or to stay at home based on individual concerns, personal risks or known unprotected exposure to illness within three days of the meeting.

We will have a limited number of masks and COVID tests available for attendees in the Ballroom B Foyer of the Convention Center. As an additional FYI, we have learned that the Convention Center’s ventilation dampers will automatically open to bring in fresh air if CO2 saturation reaches 700 PPM. We trust in your judgement as medical professionals.

Hotel Accommodations

CMA has secured a block of guest rooms reserved at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento and the Sheraton Grand Sacramento at a special rate. Reservations may be made by using the links provided on the HOD website. The deadline for booking discounted rooms is Friday, Oct. 4, but do not wait until the deadline to book your room.

Delegates are strongly advised to book early, since the room block is limited and the discounted rate may no longer be offered after the block has filled. If you have issues reserving a room, please contact Dya Carranza for assistance.


CMA has partnered with ACCENT on Children’s Arrangements, Inc., to offer half- and full-day services on Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27, as well as an evening slot for parents who would like to have childcare during the Gala. Parents are responsible for breakfast and lunch; however, snacks will be provided.

All ACCENT staff members have full background checks and are CPR and first aid certified. All children ages 6 months to 12 years are welcome to participate, with age-specific activities planned for them. There is no costs to sign up, but reservations are required for planning purposes as spaces are limited. Thanks to The Doctors Company for sponsoring this service!

Presidential Gala Tickets Almost Sold Out!

Tickets for the annual Presidential Gala are now on sale! The Gala will take place the evening of Saturday, October 26, and will include dinner, entertainment and dancing in celebration of incoming CMA President Shannon Udovic-Constant, M.D. To purchase tickets, please contact Jennifer Moller. Please also let us know if you would like to sponsor a table for medical students and residents!

We look forward to a productive 153rd Annual Session – and we hope you also take time to enjoy your stay in Sacramento. We also wish to encourage any and all of you to contact us, through your delegation chairs or directly, with questions, concerns, or recommendations regarding this year’s House!

Thank you,

Jack Chou, M.D.
Speaker of the House
Tel: (626) 851-6345

George Fouras, M.D.
Vice-Speaker of the House
Tel: (415) 867-6485



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