CMA seeking nominations to the AMA House of Delegates

Statement: Medical professionals and facilities should always be off limit to attack

February 02, 2024

The California Medical Association (CMA) is seeking nominations for physicians to serve as delegates and alternates to the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates. 

We are seeking physicians who are active CMA members and able to serve as delegates or alternates twice a year during the annual (June) and interim (November) meetings of the AMA House of Delegates for a two-year term. Applicant/nominee must be able to fulfill the Duties and Responsibilities listed here.

The purposes of the CMA delegation to the AMA are:

  • Advance the policy priorities of the CMA at the AMA
  • Help elect AMA leaders who will advance CMA priorities
  • Facilitate bidirectional feedback with the CMA membership through the communication of AMA priorities to CMA members and bringing feedback from CMA membership to the AMA
  • Develop beneficial relationships with other AMA physicians, including within the PacWest Conference of states to which California is a member
  • Work with the AMA to achieve the goals of organized medicine on a national level

Please submit nomination using the form on the CMA website (must be logged in) and include the following:

Nominations must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on March 1, 2024. The CMA Committee on Nominations will present its recommendations to the CMA Board of Trustees at its meeting on April 9, 2024, and appointments will be announced shortly thereafter.



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