Is your hospital hesitant to sign your PSLF application form?

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October 17, 2023

Some physicians continue to report that the nonprofit hospital facilities in which they work are not knowledgeable about the changes to the new Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and do not feel comfortable signing the application form as the “PSLF qualifying employer.” Physicians who encounter similar problems, are encouraged to share the California Medical Association (CMA) guide—Public Service Loan Forgiveness: What California and Texas Physicians and Hospitals Need to Know—with the hospital/clinic leadership so they can better understand the new program and the new eligibility rules. 

The CMA guide has specific information for “qualifying employers,” as well as a template physician attestation form intended to provide reliable written information regarding the dates and hours a physician provided services in a nonprofit facility to enable authorized officials from, “PSLF qualifying employers” to complete and sign the application form. 

The intent of the form is to also place all accountability and responsibility for the PSLF application on the physician, not the hospital. This has helped many hospitals andclinics to certify the application form as the “qualifying employer” for purposes of the PSLF program. 

It is important to note that the U.S. Department of Education is not asking for documentation from borrowers or employers as to the dates and number of hours of service. The department is only requiring an attestation on the application form signed by both borrowers and “qualifying employers.”

The California Hospital Association also has two page flyer—Public Service Loan Forgiveness: What Hospitals Need to Know—that provides an overview of the new PSLF rules.   

If you are still encountering problems, please contact CMA for assistance at (800) 786-4262 or



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