Updated medical board notice to patients required effective January 1, 2023

CMA attends California Democratic, Republican Party Conventions to showcase health care efforts

January 10, 2023

Beginning January 1, 2023, all physicians licensed by the Medical Board of California must provide an updated “notice to consumers” that informs patients that physicians are licensed and regulated by the medical board and provides details about how patients can check the status of a license or file a complaint.

Under the new regulation, the notice must be provided in a language understood by the patient or patient representative and include a quick response (QR) code that leads to the board’s Notice to Consumer webpage, and shall contain the following statement:

Medical doctors are licensed and regulated by the Medical Board of California. To check up on a license or to file a complaint go to www.mbc.ca.gov, email licensecheck@mbc.ca.gov, or call (800) 633-2322.

Physicians can comply with this requirement by doing one of the following:

  1. Post a notice in an area visible to patients on the premises where the physician provides medical services;
  2. Provide the patient with a notice and retain in that patient’s medical record an acknowledgement of receipt and understanding, signed and dated by the patient or the patient representative;
  3. Include the notice in a statement on letterhead, discharge instructions or other document given to a patient or the patient representative.

The medical board has posted a notice template in the following languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean, Armenian, Farsi, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Punjabi, and Khmer.

If the physician chooses to post a sign to comply with the notice requirement, and the sign is not in a language understood by the patient or their representative, then a notice must be provided under option 2 or 3 above in a language understood by the patient or patient representative, so long as the board has provided a translated notice understood by the patient or their representative on its Notice to Consumers webpage.

A physician will be deemed to be in compliance if the hospital, clinic, or other location where the physician is practicing posts the notice on its premises in an area visible to patients consistent with the requirements of the regulation.

For more information, see the medical board’s Notice to Consumer webpage.




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