Speakers Message: September 14, 2022

Blue Cross corrects two problems affecting accurate payment of new psychiatric codes

September 14, 2022
Area(s) of Interest: House of Delegates 

CMA HOD Update: Room Block Closing Soon, In Memoriams and Livestream


Dear Colleagues:

The 151st Annual Session of the California Medical Association (CMA) House of Delegates (HOD) will convene October 22-23, 2022, at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE. As you plan your participation in the meeting, your Speakers request that you carefully review the following information.


CMA has secured a block of guest rooms reserved at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE at a special rate. Reservations may be made by clicking here. Please book your room no later than Sept. 28 to take advantage of the special rate. Delegates are strongly advised to book early, since the room block is limited and the discounted rate may no longer be offered after the block has filled. 

For housing questions, contact Marriott Hotel Reservations at (213) 765-8600 or toll free at (877) 622-3056. Please note that all housing questions are handled through the JW Marriott, not through CMA staff.


Each year during HOD, we honor and reflect on our physician colleagues who are no longer with us. If you would like to honor a CMA member who passed away since October 2021, please submit an “in memoriam” resolution and photo to Navdeep Dhaliwal at ndhaliwal@cmadocs.org by Tuesday, Sept. 20. A sample template is available if needed. Thank you for your assistance in honoring our dedicated CMA member physicians. 


Your Speakers have determined that HOD 2022 will involve indoor masking at all events related to HOD and Annual Session. Please come to HOD with an appropriate (N95, KN95, etc.) face mask, though we will have a limited supply available at our Safety Desk. Additionally, it is our expectation that attendees be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.


CMA plans to offer a livestream of the proceedings of the House for members who are unable to attend some or all of the meeting. Please note that livestream functions will be limited to viewing only. Details will be available at a later date. 


The draft schedule of the weekend’s major events and activities is posted on the HOD website and will be continuously updated until we get to House (login required). Please check with your delegation coordinator for information about your own delegation’s caucus meetings and meal functions.

Sessions of this year’s House of Delegates are tentatively scheduled as follows:

  • Saturday, Oct. 22: 8 to 11:30 a.m. (Session 1)
  • Saturday, Oct. 22: 1 to 5 p.m. (Session 2)
  • Sunday, Oct. 23: 8 to 11:30 a.m. (Session 3)
  • Sunday, Oct. 23: 1 to 3:30 p.m. (Session 4)

In addition to conducting various elections, hearing from leaders in organized medicine, and honoring members with awards, and other business, the weekend will consist of education and debate major issues, spread across four General Sessions of the House. We hope to adjourn Annual Session no later than 3:30 p.m. on Sunday.  

New Delegate Orientation

The New Delegate Orientation (for both delegates and alternates) will be held virtually on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Join the Speakers of the House as they review CMA's organizational structure and governance, with emphasis on the HOD: what it is and how it fits in, how it functions, how to participate effectively as an Delegate or Alternate. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the process. Register for New Delegate Orientation here.

Climate Change Panel

A two-part panel discussion has been added to the schedule for Friday, October 21: “Understanding the Climate Health Crisis and How California Physicians Can Make an Impact.” A full list of speakers is now available here. 

Sponsored by Climate Health Now and the California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy (CFEE) in coordination with CMA, this discussion will explore the health impacts of climate change in California and the opportunities for California's physicians to advance policy-level climate solutions with enormous public health co-benefits. If you are interested in attending in-person or virtually, please register here.

On-Site Registration

Registration will be open on Friday afternoon, Oct. 21, for any attendee who arrives early. We highly suggest checking in at Registration in advance of the inevitable rush on Saturday morning. Delegates will not be seated until they have checked-in at registration.


CMA has partnered with ACCENT on Children’s Arrangements, Inc., to offer half and full-day services on Saturday, Oct. 22, and Sunday, Oct. 23, as well as an evening slot for parents who would like to have childcare during the Gala. Parents are responsible for breakfast and lunch; however, snacks will be provided. CMA is subsidizing this service to provide affordable rates for interested parents. Please click here to access the portal to learn more or sign up.

Childcare Sessions

  • Saturday, Oct. 22: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Oct. 22: 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, Oct. 23: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

All ACCENT staff members have full background checks and are CPR and first aid certified. All children ages 6 months to 12 years are welcome to participate and will have age-specific activities planned for them. In addition to childcare, there are numerous activities around Los Angeles for you and your children.


All delegates and alternate delegates will be pre-registered for the meeting based on delegation rosters submitted to CMA. Delegates and alternates should be duly elected or appointed per the method or manner prescribed to each delegation in the CMA Bylaws.  If you have questions about if you are recorded as a delegate or alternate for 2022, please contact Navdeep Dhaliwal at ndhaliwal@cmadocs.org.


Tickets for the annual Presidential Gala are now on sale! The Gala will take place the evening of Saturday, Oct. 22, and will include dinner, fabulous entertainment and dancing in celebration of incoming CMA President Donaldo Hernandez, M.D., FACP. To purchase tickets, please email Jennifer Moller


House of Delegates agenda materials will be posted to the House of Delegates website. Paper copies will not be provided of any materials. All reports must be presented for consideration at least 30 days before the opening of the House. Ancillary materials will be posted in September. This will afford delegations an opportunity to caucus prior to the opening of the House, if they wish to do so. Wi-Fi will be provided in all meeting rooms, including caucus meeting rooms, for on-site access to the materials. 


The first draft of the Major Issue reports will be posted 30 days before the opening of the House (Sept. 22). The reports will be open for testimony Sept. 22 through Oct. 7. A revised draft of the Major Issues will be posted on Oct. 12; we will also open our advanced amendments portal. 

We look forward to a productive 151st Annual Session – and we hope you also take time to enjoy your stay in Los Angeles. We also wish to encourage any and all of you to contact us, through your delegation chairs or directly, with questions, concerns or recommendations regarding this year’s House!


Tanya W. Spirtos, M.D.
Speaker of the House

Jack Chou, M.D.
Vice-Speaker of the House




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