HRSA to reopen provider relief fund reporting on April 11

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April 06, 2022

Physicians across the country who accepted federal COVID-19 relief funds but failed to meet the Period 1 Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements will now have another opportunity to come into compliance.

Providers who received one or more payments exceeding $10,000, in the aggregate, during a “payment received period” are required to report in each applicable “reporting time period.” But many physician practices were unaware of the need to report, or were unable to complete the required reporting, due to the impact of the pandemic. During the late fall when the Delta variant was surging, physician practices and others were greatly impacted in many ways that may have prevented or delayed the required reporting.

Those physicians who received more than $10,000 in provider relief funds and failed to submit their period 1 report should act immediately. Between Monday, April 11 and Friday, April 22, 2022, at 11:59 pm ET, providers can submit a late Reporting Period 1 report request

Physician practices should receive information about how to submit a request directly from HRSA via email. Practices that did not submit a Period 1 report and do not receive an email can call HRSA at (866) 569-3522 to initiate the process.

During this reopening period, a provider must choose an extenuating circumstance(s) that prevented compliance with the original reporting deadline. While attesting to an extenuating circumstance is required, no supporting document or proof is required.

If HRSA approves the extenuated circumstances form, the provider will receive a notification to proceed with the Reporting Period 1 report. Providers will have 10 days from the notification receipt date to submit the late Period 1 report in the PRF Reporting Portal. The AMA will continue to advocate for greater flexibility and more information to ensure physician practices have an adequate opportunity to come into compliance.

The American Medical Association, the California Medical Association (CMA) and others in organized medicine are working with HRSA to identify and reach the remaining practices that have not reported to bring them into compliance.

Physicians who need assistance can call CMA's Member Resource Center at (800) 762-4262 or



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