CMA seeking nominations for Governance Reform TAC

Two flu deaths confirmed by CDPH

February 08, 2022
Area(s) of Interest: Professional Development & Education 

The California Medical Association (CMA) is currently seeking physician members to serve on its Governance Reform Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC). CMA's committees, councils and technical advisory committees (TACs) provide key input to the Board of Trustees to guide the association as it sets new policies. Recommendations affecting the Bylaws of the Association would be subject to the action of the House of Delegates.

The TAC will be charged with identifying and developing proposals to improve various attributes of CMA’s governance structure. The TAC will be composed of members appointed by the CMA board chairs and at-large members selected through this application process.

Candidates interested in serving on the TAC should have experience and/or familiarity with CMA’s (or other organized medicine organization’s) governance mechanisms, policy-making apparatuses and member engagement programs. Ideal candidates are able to effectively interface with an array of stakeholders and have an appreciation for the myriad needs of CMA’s diverse membership.

It is estimated that the TAC will require both face-to-face meetings as well as virtual meetings, and will likely meet several times in 2022 and beyond into 2023. In addition, there is an expectation that the physician members of the TAC will prepare for each meeting by reading assigned reading material, participate in all TAC discussions (including e-mail discussions), and actively engage in TAC activities.

Please submit nominations through the nomination form on the CMA website, including:

Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2022.

For more information, please contact:

Michelle Chapanian, Vice President, Governance and Business Administration at (916) 551-2054 or



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