Complimentary: Visit ACCME Academy through 2021

Complimentary: Visit ACCME Academy through 2021

November 03, 2021
Area(s) of Interest: Continuing Medical Education (CME) 

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Academy, the ACCME’s online learning portal, was opened to you as accredited continuing medical education (CME) providers and is available at no cost through the remainder of 2021!

Each accredited provider received an email on June 1, 2021, with instructions on how to access your three complimentary accounts. If you have not yet used all, or any, of your three complimentary accounts, you should have received a follow-up email from reminding you of this opportunity.

We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this great resource and opportunity.

The ACCME Academy has a range of content for CME staff, planners and faculty. Beginning in 2022, access for accredited providers will move to a subscription-based payment model, so take advantage of this complimentary opportunity now!



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