September 23, 2021
Area(s) of Interest:
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
The California Medical Association (CMA) continuing medical education (CME) program requires that all those connected with your CME program (i.e., staff, consultants or physicians who might not be employed by the organization) be included in the Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS) contacts. To protect the best interest of all parties, CMA generally limits communications to authorized contact persons identified by the provider. It is very important to ensure that your organization’s contact information is current and accurate.
Contacts from the organization must be identified in PARS in order to fulfill communications needs and accreditation requirements, particularly during annual accreditation fee invoicing. Maintaining up-to-date contacts will also be beneficial to the provider organization so that they can access their accreditation decisions. Additionally, CMA must have the ability to contact individuals within the organization in case of staff turnover.
Please note that CMA generally communicates with the primary contact and will always include the primary contact with communications so that you stay aware of any correspondence.
See CMA’s policy (Informing CMA of Changes) for more information and PARS contact types.