Save the date for CMA’s 2021 House of Delegates

AMA announces new CPT codes for COVID-19 antibody tests

June 02, 2021

The California Medical Association (CMA) is pleased to announce plans for the 150th Annual Session of the CMA House of Delegates (HOD), which will convene October 23-24, 2021, at the Marriott LA Live Hotel in Los Angeles.

CMA has closely monitored pertinent regulations and guidelines and believes that conditions will allow for members of the House to safely meet in-person this fall.

CMA will comply with local, state and federal public health requirements during Annual Session. Because HOD is still five months out, we will wait until we get closer to the meeting to fully comment on the precise details about structural meeting modifications and participation requirements.

The House of Delegates establishes broad policy on current major issues that have been determined by the CMA Committee of Delegation Chairs, Speakers of the House and the Board of Trustees to be the most important issues affecting members, the association and the practice of medicine.

The Committee of Delegation Chairs met in April to develop a proposal identifying those topics for 2021 and a final agenda will be approved by the CMA Board of Trustees in June.



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