Updated CME fee structure

CMS releases proposed Medicare physician fee schedule for 2018

January 27, 2021
Area(s) of Interest: Continuing Medical Education (CME) 

In 2021, the California Medical Association (CMA) continuing medical education (CME) program will institute a minimal fee increase to invest in increased provider communication, expanded education and exclusive resources (e.g., new webinars and standards), and more alignment with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). To streamline and simplify the application and data submission process, we’ve partnered with ACCME to pilot and deploy the Accreditation Management System (AMS) with full Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS) integration. The new fee structure goes into effect February 1, 2021, as notified by email on January 7, 2021.

There are several fees providers pay annually or within the reaccreditation term:

  • CMA Annual Accreditation Fee – This will be billed in June for the 2021 calendar year. This fee is currently calculated using the number of CME credits/hours a CME provider offered in the previous calendar year.
  • Reaccreditation Self-Study Fee – This is invoiced during the reaccreditation cycle and will be due at the time of submission of materials.
  • Progress Report Fee – This may be billed when one or more criteria or policies are found to be noncompliant
  • Extension Fees and Late fees – These are billed at the time CMA CME receives and approves the extension or late materials/payments.

Again, if you have any questions or extenuating circumstances, please contact cme@cmadocs.org and we are happy to work with you.



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