January 20, 2021
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), recently announced that it will be pushing back the reporting timeline for the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund Program due to the recent passage of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act.
Providers can register for gateway access now in preparation for reporting, but the opening of the portal for reporting on the use of funds has been pushed back. The portal will open on a future date that is still to be determined. HHS previously planned to open the by January 15, 2021, with the first deadline for submissions on February 15, 2021. In December, Congress added another $3 billion in funding to the Provider Relief Fund program and made updates to the reporting requirements. HHS is working to update the reporting requirements to be consistent with this new law.
Recipients that did not expend of their relief fund distributions by December 31, 2020, will also have until June 30, 2021, to use the remaining funds on COVID-19-related expenditures or lost revenues—and then must submit a second and final report no later than July 31, 2021.
The California Medical Association will provide additional details when available.
For more information on the Provider Relief Fund Program, visit hhs.gov/providerrelief.