Telehealth Webinar: Strategies for an Effective Telephone Visit

UnitedHealthcare delays rollout of ED professional coding policy

October 20, 2020
Area(s) of Interest: Professional Development & Education Practice Management 

For many patients, the most effective telehealth technology is still the telephone. This includes patients who may not be comfortable with technology, or who don’t have access to reliable internet service. While the telephone may provide convenience, not all payors treat phone visits the same, and physicians need to take extra care to build a connection with their patients over the phone. The California Medical Association (CMA) is hosting a free webinar –  Strategies for an Effective Telephone Visit – on Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 12:15 p.m. that will provide physicians with tips and tricks for making effective use of the telephone in their practices.

This is the sixth installment of CMA’s Telehealth Webinar Series for Small and Medium Sized Practices. If you missed the previous installments, you can view them on-demand at It is not necessary to view the previous webinars to take part in this or other webinars in the series.

This webinar series is made possible through the support of the California Health Care Foundation and is open to all physician practices.     



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