CMA President Peter Bretan, M.D., issues a statement in response to state budget signing

CMA President Peter Bretan, M.D., issues a statement in response to state budget signing

June 29, 2020

CMA President Peter N. Bretan, Jr., M.D., issued the following statement in response to the governor's signing of the 2020-21 state budget.

"This is a budget that protects and reflects California values. California is in the midst of unprecedented economic uncertainty and an ongoing pandemic. This budget protects access to critical health care as we struggle to contain COVID-19. It will ensure that all Californians, regardless of income, have access to the health care they need. It protects adult dental coverage and diabetes prevention program services for low-income patients and maintains the expansion of postpartum mental health services for women diagnosed with a maternal mental health condition. The budget also maintains important investments to increase the number of physicians in California now, and in the future.

We know that we face more difficult times to come, both to contain COVID-19 and to ensure the economic well-being of millions of Californians. Legislators and Gov. Newsom should be commended for passing a responsible budget that protects our most vulnerable residents and continues to invest in health care during the state’s ongoing health care crisis."



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