CMA cancels annual Legislative Advocacy Day

Save Lives California Update

March 16, 2020
Area(s) of Interest: Advocacy Professional Development & Education 

The spread of COVID-19 has put our nation in unchartered territory. Over these last couple of weeks, we have seen our daily routines disrupted and upended. Things are changing quickly. School districts are closing. Public gatherings are being canceled. As of this writing, it's unclear whether the Capitol will be open for business as the COVID-19 issue continues to evolve.

Out of an abundance of caution, the California Medical Association (CMA) is canceling its in-person Legislative Advocacy Day, which was scheduled for April 14 in Sacramento. We know that many of you have already made travel plans, including flights and hotels, and wanted to give you the opportunity to cancel those plans as soon as possible.

"As public concern about this outbreak grows, we want to be responsible to all physicians and their patients. We know that many of you are on the front lines of this pandemic, and we thank you for your continued service to your patients and your communities," said CMA President Peter Bretan, M.D. "While you may not be here in person, know that your voice will continue to be heard. CMA remains focused on elevating the voices of physicians on the issues that matter most."

The California Medical Association (CMA) has set up a COVID-19 resource page, where you will find links to the latest news, research and developments on the COVID-19 outbreak for physicians and other health care providers.



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