January 17, 2020
The California Medical Association (CMA) is pleased to announce that Elizabeth A. Snelson, Esq., a nationally recognized legal expert on medical staff issues will be working with CMA on updating the CMA Model Medical Staff Bylaws, the California Physician’s Legal Handbook (CPLH) and providing educational content for CMA Organized Medical Staff (OMSS) members.
Ms. Snelson—known as Libby—started her career at CMA, as the Director of Physician Contracting and Medical Staff Affairs, and now works for medical staffs in California and around the country. In addition to medical staff bylaws analysis and drafting, she handles "disruptive practitioner" policies, conflict management and credentialing questions. As a medical staff attorney, Ms. Snelson has extensive experience with peer review matters.
A frequent speaker on medical staff legal issues, Ms. Snelson has participated in programs sponsored by the American Medical Association, the National Association Medical Staff Services and several state associations including CMA; specialty societies including the American Society of Anesthesiology, and other national and state organizations. Ms. Snelson participates in leadership training and medical executive committee retreats for individual medical staffs and presents webinars on medical staff legal issues on a regular basis. She is the author of Credentialing and Medical Staff Law, published by the NAMSS Institute, and The Physicians’ Guide to Medical Staff Organization Bylaws, published by AMA. Ms. Snelson can be reached at easesq@snelsonlaw.com and followed on Facebook at Legal Counsel for the Medical Staff PLLC.