January 22, 2019
Area(s) of Interest:
Physician Leadership
The collective voice of physicians just got a little louder. The California Medical Association (CMA) now has over 44,000 members, after a year of record-setting growth. In 2018, CMA’s active, dues paying membership grew by 6.3 percent, with a 92.2 percent retention rate.
According to CMA Vice President of Membership and Marketing Mike Steenburgh, membership growth has been driven by the association’s group recruitment strategy, with several medium-sized groups signing membership agreements throughout the state this year.
“We say it all the time –Together we are stronger. When we speak with one voice, the physicians of California can –and do—make a huge impact on the health of California,” said Steenburgh. “Let’s keep the momentum going. Because together, we will keep California healthy and thriving.”
Learn what joining can do for your practice and patients today at cmadocs.org/why-join.