August 10, 2018
Area(s) of Interest:
Practice Management Public Payors
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is will soon be releasing an update to its Medi-Cal provider enrollment system, called the Provider Application and Validation for Enrollment (PAVE).
The current iteration (2.0) of the PAVE system, originally launched on November 18, 2016, transformed DHCS’ provider enrollment from a manual paper-based process to a web-based portal that providers could use to complete and submit their applications, verifications and to report changes. The original launch included most physicians and allied provider types. The new update (3.0) will include even more eligible provider types including physician owned ambulatory surgical clinics.
PAVE will eventually replace the paper application process, although paper option will still be available to those providers who specifically request it from DHCS’s Provider Enrollment Division.
Key features PAVE 3.0 include auto population of data, secured inter-practice communication, screening tools to avoid submission of the incorrect form, real-time status tracking and multiple “help” functions.
According to DHCS, the process for completing an application through the new system is dramatically streamlined, dropping the average to complete an application from 1.75 hours to .7 hours. DHCS also reports its average provider application processing time has been cut in half, and they expect that time to drop even lower after 3.0’s launch.
For more information, see the DHCS PAVE FAQ.