Vote by mail voters: Mail that ballot by FRIDAY

DHCS identifies another glitch in issuing primary care rate increase for CHDP claims

October 28, 2014
Area(s) of Interest: Advocacy MICRA 

The time has come - Election Day is just one week away. As you know, California voters will be weighing in on Proposition 46, the trial lawyers' ballot initiative that would quadruple the state’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) cap on non-economic damages. If lawyers get their way, medical lawsuits and jury awards will skyrocket – leading to a big increase in health care costs. It is critical that every single physician in California votes NO on Prop. 46.

If you vote by mail (also known as "absentee"), you MUST send in your ballot before Halloween – Friday, October 31. That’s just a few short days away so please take the time to drop your ballot in the mail before then if you haven’t already done so. We need every vote out there.  

If you’re unable to mail in your absentee ballot by Friday, you can walk it into a polling place on Election Day. If you need to look up your polling place, you can do so on the California Secretary of State website. Polls open at 7 a.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 4, and will remain open until 8 p.m.

If you’re active on social media (or are looking to get that way in the final days of the campaign), make sure you follow the California Medical Association (CMA) and No on Prop. 46 on Facebook and Twitter. Retweet and repost the information that is being put out to help spread the word about how dangerous and costly Prop. 46 will be for everyone and to remind everyone to vote on or before November 4.

Many of you already have signs up in your yards, but in these final days – show off your No on Prop. 46 spirit and display those signs proudly. If you need another or haven’t gotten one yet, you can pick up a No on 46 yard sign at a location near you.

CMA has also published a 2014 Voter Guide, with information on the association's position on the propositions and candidates on the November 2014 ballot. You can download the guide at

We must get every ballot in and accounted for so we can take this home next Tuesday and celebrate the defeat of Prop. 46 when the polls close Tuesday night!

Lastly, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has dedicated their time, energy and resources to Proposition 46 over the past year. It is because of you all that we have been able to reach physicians and patients across the state, informing them of the ill intentions trial lawyers had when crafting Prop. 46.

The end is in sight. Send in those ballots by this Friday or visit your local polling place next Tuesday to help ensure that Prop. 46 is defeated and  atients will continue to have access to quality medical care after Election Day.




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