August 11, 2015
Area(s) of Interest:
Access to Care Advocacy
According to a Gallup poll released Monday, the national uninsured rate has fallen to 11.7 percent, down from 17.3 percent in 2013.
The poll shows that states that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act – and have at least helped in the running of their health insurance marketplaces, rather than leaving it entirely to the federal government – have seen larger drops in uninsured rates.
In the 22 states that took both of those measures, including California, the uninsured rate dropped to an average of 7.1 percent. California's uninsured rate dropped to 9.8 percent, down from 21.6 percent in 2013. In the 28 states that did not expand Medicaid or help run their marketplaces, the uninsured rate fell 5.3 percentage points.
Through the first half of 2015, there are now seven states with uninsured rates that are at or below 5 percent: Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Minnesota, Iowa, Connecticut and Hawaii. Previously, Massachusetts had been the only state to be at or below this rate.
This data, collected as part of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, is based on Americans' answers to the question, "Do you have health insurance coverage?" The state-level data is based on daily surveys conducted from January through June 2015 and includes sample sizes that range from 232 randomly selected adult residents in Hawaii to more than 8,600 in California.
Click here to read the report.