Urge your senator to oppose bill that would allow NPs to practice medicine without supervision

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May 17, 2013

A bill that would allow nurse practitioners to independently practice medicine is moving through the California Legislature. Senate Bill 491 (Hernandez) is expected to be heard on the floor of the California State Senate the week of May 20. The California Medical Association (CMA) is urging all physicians to call their senators as soon as possible to oppose the bill.

Masquerading as a bill to improve access to health care, SB 491 would put patients at risk and decrease the quality of care that they receive.

Nurse practitioners, while important to the health care delivery system and an integral part of the health care team, are not trained to diagnose and treat diseases as are physicians. Rather than further fragmenting the health care delivery system, we need to be looking at integrated care models that utilize everyone to the best of their abilities, including nurse practitioners.

Legislators need to know the true impact this bill would have in their districts.

We ask that you and your colleagues call, fax or email your legislators TODAY and urge them to protect patient safety!

Click here to take action in CMA’s grassroots action center.




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