May 31, 2013
More than two-thirds (68 percent) of American adults are either overweight or obese. In California, 60 percent of adults are overweight and 24 percent are obese. Higher rates of obesity are found in our state’s ethnic minority and underserved communities. A combination of poor diet and lack of physical activity has caused adults to be at greater risk for major chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
In 2013, the California Medical Association (CMA) Foundation convened an expert panel academic thought leaders to update its adult obesity and bariatric surgery provider toolkits. The foundation tapped experts from academic medical centers, physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners that working daily with patients and their families as well as dietitians, nutritionists, health educators, experts in multicultural communications and health plan leadership. Expert panel members shared their daily experiences in treating obese patients in their practice and community. New resources were added to the toolkits to address culturally competent care, multicultural communications and stronger patient and provider resources.
The updated toolkits will soon be available to download from the Obesity Prevention Project page on the CMA Foundation website. The foundation is also hosting two webinars, scheduled for June 12 and June 20 at noon, to roll-out the newly updated toolkits.