June 12, 2015
Area(s) of Interest:
Practice Management
The California Medical Association (CMA) recently conducted a brief survey of physician practices to evaluate their readiness for the October 1, 2015, transition to ICD-10. With less than four months before the implementation date, physician practices should be well into the preparation and planning process for the ICD-10 transition. However, the survey indicates that many practices are still not prepared. More than half of respondents (51 percent) indicated they were only minimally prepared, while 21 percent indicated they were not at all prepared.
The results are concerning, particularly since Congress has reaffirmed that they want to move forward with the implementation of ICD-10 with no more delays. Additionally, hospitals and insurance companies have told lawmakers that they are ready for the October 2015 deadline and are pushing for Congress to stick with the October 1 implementation date.
CMA is strongly encouraging physicians to prepare by creating an action plan and ensuring that staff and physicians are enrolling in ICD-10 training courses.
To help physicians prepare, CMA has done the following:
- Hosting two-day intensive boot camps in various locations throughout the state in partnership with AAPC. CMA members receive a significant discount on pricing for the two-day course. .
- Offering specialty specific documentation webinars, in partnership with AAPC, to help prepare physicians and practitioners to document and code for ICD-10. CMA members receive a 37 percent discount off the original price for the documentation webinars.
Additionally, the World Health Organization offers a free online ICD-10 training tool designed for self-learning. The modular structure of the training allows users to tailor their learning by selecting the topics they wish to learn about, including an introduction, structure of the classification and how to code, as well as a module on each chapter. At the end of each module, there are exercises as well as a self-check test.