Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom sets the backdrop for future challenges

Tell your legislators to support AB 2164 to reduce stigma for physicians who seek mental health care

April 18, 2013
Area(s) of Interest: Advocacy Health Care Reform 

On April 16, during the California Medical Association’s (CMA) Legislative Leadership Conference, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom spoke about the major challenges that will be facing not just the medical profession – but all of California.

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), physicians are facing “a very difficult and tumultuous time as relates to the fate and future of the medical industry and medical care here in our state,” Newsom said. However, “the challenges all of you face, I think, are magnified by the extraordinary changes we’re seeing not only around our state and nation, but around the rest of the world.”

According to Newsom, those changes include the convergence of information technology and globalization, as well as issues of debt and entitlement programs.

“We’re not longer living in a connected world, but a hyper-connected world,” Newsom said. “The reality of technology is challenging all large institutions.” With California as the birthplace of many technologies, including biotherapy, genomics and 3D printing of muscle tissues, Newsom warned physicians, “none of us will be spared this realty – particularly in your line of work.”

Additionally, Newsom noted, “the issue of health care is the dominant challenge we face as it relates to balancing our budget.” With the challenges posed by the ACA, he said, “this is an interesting and enlivening time, and a backdrop of radical change as it relates to the way we’ve done business in the past.”

In these difficult times, Newsom praised the power of leadership, particularly that of CMA’s member physicians. “You’re leaders – you’re not just stewards,” he said. “I’m looking forward to working with you to navigate these whitewaters of change.”



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