SAVE THE DATE: Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will headline the 2014 Leadership Academy

Call for nominations: CMA mode of practice forum delegations

January 07, 2014
Area(s) of Interest: Physician Leadership Professional Development & Education 

The 17th annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy is thrilled to welcome keynote speaker Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former Secretary of State and Former U.S. Senator from New York. This year's Academy (formerly the California Health Care Leadership Academy), is scheduled for April 11-13, 2014, at the San Diego Convention Center. 

Top thinkers and doers will share strategies and resources for accelerating the shift to a more integrated, high performing, and sustainable health care system. The conference will examine the most significant challenges facing health care today and present proven models and innovative approaches to transform your organization’s care delivery and business practices. Topics will include leadership development, ACA implementation, practice management and the ICD-10 transition.

Visit for more details.



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