July 15, 2014
Area(s) of Interest:
Physician Leadership Professional Development & Education
Acknowledge the physicians who have made a difference in your professional life by nominating them for the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Women Physicians Section (WPS) Inspirational Physician Award (formerly the Physician Mentor Recognition Program). The program is a unique way to recognize a professional colleague or teacher who has served a special role in your life or career.
AMA is inviting its members to tell them about an individual who may have inspired you to greater heights, steered you into a specialty you love, helped you find balance in life and work, guided you through your professional society, challenged you to surprise yourself or been a role model for you and others.
Recipients will be issued a special certificate and recognized during September Women in Medicine Month. Nominations forms are due July 31.
For more information, or to submit a nomination, visit www.ama-assn.org/go/wps.