What regulations limit your ability to serve your patients? Tell CMA now!

CMA Capitol Insight: New Year, New Laws

March 03, 2017
Area(s) of Interest: Licensing & Regulatory Issues Patient Care 

President Donald Trump has issued an Executive Order requiring agencies to eliminate two regulations for every one they issue. The Administration has also created task forces “charged with calling out those rules that eliminate jobs or inhibit job creation; that are outdated, unnecessary or ineffective; or that impose costs in excess of benefits.”

More from Bloomberg:

“Within 90 days, they must provide a report to agency heads, identifying specific regulations that are ripe for repeal, replacement or modification. They are charged with calling out those rules that eliminate jobs or inhibit job creation; that are outdated, unnecessary or ineffective; or that impose costs in excess of benefits. The task forces are specifically directed to seek input from those affected by regulations, including small businesses; consumers; nongovernmental organizations; trade associations; and state, local and tribal governments.”

Physicians are no strangers to burdensome regulations, and we know not all regulations are created equal. Some regulations protect public health, while others are outdated or hurt doctors’ ability to expand their medical practice to serve more patients, especially those from low-income and underserved communities.

Let’s focus on the latter – what regulations would you like to see eliminated because they limit your ability to serve your patients?

Send your thoughts to communications@cmadocs.org – we’ll include the best comments in an updated article in the next CMA Newswire.



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