April 06, 2017
Area(s) of Interest:
Physician Workforce
On March 22, 2017, the California Healthcare Performance Initiative System (CHPI) released its second cycle of physician quality ratings to the public. The ratings can be accessed at CHPI’s newly launched website, CAqualityratings.org, which allows consumers to search ratings on approximately 10,000 California physicians.
As previously reported in September 2016, approximately 13,000 physicians in California received their individual quality measurement scores for the second cycle of the CHPI quality rating program. The program rates physicians using claims data from Medicare fee-for-service, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California and UnitedHealthcare. This claims data includes both commercial and self-funded health plan data from HMO, PPO, POS and Medicare Advantage products.
The individual quality measurement scores were based on claims data for patient care provided January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2014. Physicians were assigned a star rating of one to four stars, based on where they fall as a percentile within a “peer group,” for each measure as well as a composite score.
For more information on the CHPI Cycle 2 rating methodology, visit the CHPI website at www.chpis.org. CHPI has also published an FAQ on its rating program. If you have questions or concerns about the CHPI rating results, email chpicorrections@pbgh.org and expect a response within 48 hours.