Highlights from 2017 CMA House of Delegates

Encourage your patients to participate in 'National Prescription Drug Take Back Day'

October 30, 2017
Area(s) of Interest: Physician Leadership 

On October 21-22, hundreds of physicians, residents and medical students met in Anaheim for the 146th annual meeting of the California Medical Association (CMA) House of Delegates. During the meeting, the delegates discussed major issues affecting the practice of medicine, installed new officers and recognized the recipients of CMA’s annual physician awards.

Before debating the major issues—which this year were mental health, health care reform and physician workforce, the delegates heard from experts in each major issue area, with continuing medical education (CME) credit offered for these educational sessions. Final reports detailing the actions taken by the delegates will be posted later this week at House of Delegates.

Photos from the event are available on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/cmadocs. Please tag yourselves and your colleagues!

Below are links to coverage from the meeting.

Submit a Resolution

A recent change to the CMA governance process is the introduction of a year-round (quarterly) resolution process. Any CMA member may author a resolution and have it submitted to the Board of Trustees using the year-round process for consideration in between annual meetings. This approach preserves the ability of individual members to participate in and influence CMA policy-making in a more timely way, rather than waiting for a once-a-year opportunity at HOD. This allows CMA to be more nimble and effective in making decisions on critical issues that are important to physicians.

If you have a resolution you would like to submit for next quarter, e-mail it to resolutions@cmadocs.org. Please read the guidelines for submission and formatting before submitting a resolution. Resolutions that do not follow the guidelines will be rejected.

The resolution submission deadline for the first quarter of 2018 has already passed, but you can still submit resolutions for the second quarter until January 21, 2018.

Contact: Michelle Chapanian, (800) 786-4262 or mchapanian@cmadocs.org.



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