June 01, 2016
Area(s) of Interest:
Patient Care Professional Development & Education
Health care professionals from all specialties are invited to participate in a Palliative Care Mini Medical School, hosted by UC Davis on June 25 in Sacramento.
This half-day course will be moderated by Fred Meyers, M.D., who helped establish the UC Davis Hospice Program, and will feature additional palliative care specialists, oncologists, social workers and more. Panelists will discuss myths, misconceptions and truths about palliative care; questions for patients to ask themselves and their physicians; and strategies for providing the best care possible.
Although free, seating is limited and registration is required. Click here to reserve your spot today. If you have questions, contact the UC Davis Mini Medical School program at (916) 734-4680 or ucdmms@ucdavis.edu.