June 06, 2016
Area(s) of Interest:
Physician Wellness Professional Development & Education
California Public Protection and Physician Health, Inc. (CPPPH) is hosting “Keys to Physician Wellness: From Burnout to Professional Satisfaction” on August 24 at the Anaheim Marriott.
This workshop will focus on personal and organizational stories and solutions to enhance the health of physicians. Attendees will also hear case illustrations and discussions about what tactics would work best in various medical settings.
Speakers will review the latest research on physician mental health, burnout and disruptive behavior, while also providing implementable tools and techniques. Faculty at this workshop include specialists on addiction medicine, suicide prevention, physician wellbeing, medical staff health and more.
This workshop is designed for physicians, medical leadership, medical staff administrators and others interested in improving physician wellbeing on an individual and organizational level. To register for the workshop, click here.
The August 24 workshop is one component of a four-day conference, Essentials of Addiction Medicine, sponsored and accredited by the California Society of Addiction Medicine. For information about that four-day conference, click here.
CPPPH was established in 2009 as an independent nonprofit corporation dedicated to developing a statewide physician health program to respond to the needs articulated by physician health committees. CPPPH is funded by the California Medical Association and its component societies, the California Hospital Association, California's specialty societies, and medical liability insurance carriers and individual donors.
Contact: Ashley Burke, (415) 764-4822 or aburke@cppph.org.