CMA, Save Lives making last push for volunteer signature gatherers for tobacco tax initiative

Coding Corner: Document carefully for same-day preventive, complaint-driven services

March 17, 2016
Area(s) of Interest: Advocacy Public Health 

Working in cooperation with the Save Lives California coalition, the California Medical Association (CMA) is making one last drive to collect signatures in support of a proposed ballot initiative to increase the state’s tobacco tax by $2 per pack. In addition to paid signature gatherers, the campaign is urging physicians to gather valid signatures from friends, families and co-workers. Every signature we gather helps us show Big Tobacco that we will continue to fight for a tobacco-free California!

The campaign must collect 585,407 signatures to qualify the tobacco tax initiative for the November 2016 ballot.

The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016 will not only save lives and reduce teen smoking, but will also generate revenue to improve health care and fund research into cures for cancer and other smoking-related diseases.

To request signature petitions for your office, fill out this order form. Instructions on the correct way to collect signatures can be viewed here.

Petitions must be turned in by mid-April so the process of counting and verifying the signatures can begin. They can be submitted by mail to CMA headquarters at 1201 J St., Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814.



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