Yes on 56/Save Lives California message training webinar now available on-demand

CMA and more than 100 physician orgs unite to support prior auth reforms

August 01, 2016
Area(s) of Interest: Access to Care Advocacy 

A recording of the California Medical Association’s (CMA) recently held webinar Yes on 56/Save Lives California: Message Training – is now available to download in CMA’s online resource library. The webinar is available free to members only.

Nearly 17,000 California kids get hooked on smoking every year, and about one-third of them will eventually die from tobacco-related illnesses. CMA and the Save Lives California coalition is helping to reverse this trend through the California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016 (also known as Proposition 56), a ballot initiative that will ask voters this November to raise the state’s tobacco tax by $2 per pack. The measure will save countless lives by preventing children from getting addicted to tobacco, and generate revenue to improve health care and fight tobacco-related illnesses.

In this webinar, Yes on 56/Saves Lives California Deputy Campaign Manager Emmie Johnson presents an overview of Prop. 56 and educates participants on the campaign’s key messages in an effort to unite the voices of physicians in the months leading up to the election.

For additional information, visit



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