August 17, 2016
Area(s) of Interest:
Licensing & Regulatory Issues Medical Board of California
The Medical Board of California is seeking physicians to serve as expert reviewers. These medical experts will assist the board by providing reviews and opinions on board cases and conducting professional competency exams, physical exams and psychiatric exams.
Expert reviewers are currently needed in the following specialties:
- Addiction Medicine, with additional certification in Family, Internal Medicine or Psychiatry
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Dermatology
- Family Medicine
- Neurological Surgery
- Neurology
- OB/Gyn
- Pathology
- Pain Medicine
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Pediatric Pulmonology
- Plastic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Urology
- Vascular Surgery
Physicians interested in serving as expert reviewers can find out more at the medical board website.
Participating physicians are reimbursed $150 per hour for conducting case reviews and oral competency exams; $200 an hour for providing expert testimony; and usual and customary fees for physical or psychiatric exams.
For more information about the Expert Reviewer Program, contact the Medical Board of California at (818) 551-2129.