August 22, 2014
Area(s) of Interest:
Licensing & Regulatory Issues
Lambasting the measure as being “full of gimmicks” while “gaming” an important political issue, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP) has voted overwhelmingly to oppose Proposition 46.
In a press release, Eric C. Bauman, chair of the LACDP said his organization chose to oppose Prop. 46 because it is not what it appears to be. “Rather than a measure that reforms our medical negligence compensation system, it is cluttered with extraneous measures solely because, as the proponents themselves have said, 'They poll well.' "
LACDP is the largest county-based Democratic Party in California and represents nearly one in every three registered Democrats in the state.
The LACDP is just the latest of many diverse and bipartisan groups to come out in opposition to this ballot measure. An unprecedented coalition of more than 600 statewide and community groups have already joined the fight to oppose Prop. 46. (For a full list, click here.) If you would like to add your name to the list of those opposed to Prop. 46, visit and click on "take action."
The “No on 46” campaign also recently rolled out the first television and radio spots of the election season. English and Spanish language radio and television ads began running across the state on Tuesday.
The television spots (English, Spanish) and the radio ads (English, Spanish) are available on the “No on 46” campaign website. The ads, “Risk” (TV) and “Real Story” (radio) are introductory pieces highlighting the fact that Prop. 46 is almost exclusively sponsored and funded by the trial lawyers. The spots factually outline how health consumers, taxpayers and state and local governments will have to pay more for health care if this careless ballot measure were to pass.
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For more information about Prop. 46 and how you can get involved in the No on 46 campaign, visit