Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will my phone number be shared?
A: No – all of your personal information will be kept private.
Q: Will I have to answer questions from voters?
A: No – any responses from voters get routed to the campaign to respond.
Q: The screen has gone blank or the option to text has disappeared
A: Refresh your browser or close and reopen the app.
Q: Who are we texting?
A: Everyone receiving a text is a registered California voter who has not yet turned in their ballot.
Q: Does texting really work?
A: Yes! When people see our message on Prop 35 they are highly likely to vote YES. And a voter needs to see a message 7 times for it to resonate – so texting is a perfect way of getting people to vote yes on 35.
Q: Can I text any time during HOD?
A: Texting will open up around 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 26 and will close by 8 p.m. (or earlier if we reach our target of 1 million voters). You won’t be able to text early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid bothering voters.