Yes on 35 Text Banking

Yes on 35 Text Banking


Texting will close at 8pm on Saturday.

The California Medical Association (CMA) has a goal of texting 1 million California voters at the CMA House of Delegates (HOD) this year to encourage them to vote YES on Prop 35! During the meeting we’ll have opportunities to text real voters a message about the importance of Prop 35.

Your full name and phone number will be kept private and any questions from voters will be redirected to the campaign – all you will need to do is click a button (many, many times)!

How to Participate in the Texting Event

Joining the party is easy, and you can do so via the OutreachCircle App or via browser on your laptop or mobile device.

  1. If you'd like to text using an app: 
    1. Download the OutreachCircle App for iPhone or Android
    2. Create an account with your name and email address. 
      NOTE: The texts you send will start with "Hi this is [YOUR FIRST NAME]." You can either use your first name or your title (eg. Dr. Smith). If you'd like to use your title, input "Dr. YOUR LAST NAME" in the "First Name" field and repeat your last name in the "Last Name" field. The message will not repeat your last name. 
    3. On Saturday, October 26 at HOD, you'll be provided an event link to start texting. When you open the link you will be prompted to open the OutreachCircle app. When the texting event begins, you'll see a green button that says "start texting" – just continue to click it as many times as you are able during the texting window (tentatively 1 – 8 p.m.).
  2. If you'd like to text using a browser on your phone or computer:
    1. We will provide an event link on Saturday, October 26 at HOD. When you open the link, you will be prompted to either download an app (see above) or continue in your browser. 
    2. To continue in your browser, you just need to create an account with your name and email address. 
      NOTE: The texts you send will start with "Hi this is [YOUR FIRST NAME]." You can either use your first name or your title (eg. Dr. Smith). If you'd like to use your title, input ”Dr. YOUR LAST NAME" in the ”First Name” field and repeat your last name in the "Last Name" field. The message will no repeat your last name. 
    3. When the texting event begins, you'll see a green button that says "start texting" – just continue to click it as many times as you are able during the texting window (tentatively 1 – 8 p.m.).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will my phone number be shared?
A: No – all of your personal information will be kept private.

Q: Will I have to answer questions from voters?
A: No – any responses from voters get routed to the campaign to respond.

Q: The screen has gone blank or the option to text has disappeared
A: Refresh your browser or close and reopen the app.

Q: Who are we texting?
A: Everyone receiving a text is a registered California voter who has not yet turned in their ballot.

Q: Does texting really work?
A: Yes! When people see our message on Prop 35 they are highly likely to vote YES. And a voter needs to see a message 7 times for it to resonate – so texting is a perfect way of getting people to vote yes on 35.

Q: Can I text any time during HOD?
A: Texting will open up around 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 26 and will close by 8 p.m. (or earlier if we reach our target of 1 million voters). You won’t be able to text early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid bothering voters.