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Membership Application

What Our Members Say

  • "The work CMA does is only possible thanks to the collective strength of our physician members. It is when we act in concert with one another and speak with one voice that we can be most effective in shaping the future of health care and building a system that works for our patients."

    Donaldo Hernandez, M.D., Hospitalist, Palo Alto Medical Foundation

  • "Now, more than ever, we need physician voices to be heard in Sacramento. CMA's advocacy on issues important to the practice of medicine is critical to shaping California's health policy and protecting our patients and a physician’s ability to make the best decisions on their behalf.

    Shannon Udovic-Constant, M.D., Pediatrician, The Permanente Medical Group

  • "Membership in the California Medical Association provides strength in numbers in dealing with the complex issues of the health care system and offers a tool for organization to meet the challenges of a changing world."

    Dawn Motyka, M.D., Family Physician, Dignity Health

  • "The value of CMA membership to me is accessing a broad network of health care intelligence and practice resources, as well as being able to work cohesively with diverse colleages to affect health care policy in California. "

    C. Freeman, M.D., Geriatric Psychiatrist

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