Stop the Medicaid and Medicare Cuts

Stop the Medicaid and Medicare Cuts

Urgent Action Needed

We Urgently Need Your Help to Protect Federal Health Programs!

Congress is gearing up for negotiations on a March legislative package to keep the government funded past the March 14 deadline. As part of that work, many federal programs are on the chopping block, including $550-880 billion in proposed cuts to Medicaid and the 5th straight year of cuts to Medicare physician payments. We urgently need your help to make sure Congress understands how devastating these cuts will be to patient access to care and the health of Americans.

Stop the Medicaid Cuts

Congress will be voting on Medicaid cuts of up to $880 billion as early as next week.

It is extremely urgent that Congress hears from every physician and patient about how devastating a cut of this magnitude would be. Fifteen million Californians depend on Medicaid – children, pregnant women, seniors, the disabled, veterans and low-income families. Medicaid must be protected, otherwise we are risking the health of millions and the economic security of low-income working families.

Contact your members of Congress today!

Share your Medicaid story

Stop the Medicare Cuts

Tell your members of Congress to stop the Medicare physician payment cut.

On January 1, a 2.8% Medicare physician payment cut took effect, marking the 5th consecutive year of cuts. Over the past two decades, Medicare payment rates have fallen by 33%, when adjusted for inflation, leaving physicians struggling to figure out how they can continue to provide needed care to their elderly and chronically ill patients. 

Contact your members of Congress today!

Click on the links below and you will find sample letters and talking points. We encourage you to also add your own details about how the cuts will affect sustainability of your practice and/or your patients’ access to care. 

Urge Patients to Take Action, Too

CMA has created a waiting room flyer physicians can use to encourage patients to join them in asking Congress to protect patient access to care.