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As government and the insurance industry continue their quest to control health care, your clinical autonomy is in jeopardy. Now more than ever, you need to fight and advocate to keep medical decisions in your well-trained hands.

Fortunately, you do not have to wage the fight alone. Successful legislative advocacy depends upon an integrated approach, consisting of lobbying, grassroots activity and political action through the California Medical Association's (CMA) California Medical Association Political Action Committee (CALPAC). 

Operated by physicians for physicians, CALPAC supports hundreds of candidates for state and federal office who share CMA's philosophy and vision of the future of health care and medical practice.

Support CALPAC

Strengthen your political voice and protect the practice of medicine.

CALPAC Board of Directors


Susan McEntire
Vice President, Center for Political Operations
(916) 551-2570

Nathan Skadsen
Senior Director, Political Data and Analytics
(916) 551-2078

2025 Donors

René Bravo, MD, FAAP

Jack Chou, MD, FAAFP

George Fouras, MD, DFAACAP

Brian Grady, MD

Ramin Manshadi, MD

Tanya W. Spirtos, MD

Shannon Udovic-Constant, MD

Robert Wailes, MD

David Aizuss, MD, FAAO, FACS

Caleb Chu, MD, FASA

Michael Conroy, MD

Dustin Corcoran, MBA

Piyush Dhanuka, MD

Sergio Flores, MD

C. Freeman, MD, FAPA, MBA

Raminder Gill, MD, MACP

Donaldo Hernandez, MD, FACP

Darla Holland, MD

Janet Jacobson, MD, MS

John Maa, MD

Arlene Morales, MD

Robert Oldham, MD

Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP

Javier Sanchez, MD

Veena Vanchinathan, MD

Valencia Walker, MD, MPH


Kent Adamson, MD

Theodore Affue, MD

Lupe Alonzo-Diaz, MPA

Marti Baum, MD

Rodney Borger, MD, FACEP

Carol Burch, MD

Maria Carriedo-Ceniceros, MD

J. Brennan Cassidy, MD, ABFP

Warren Chin, MD

Colleen Copelan, MD

John Digges, MD, FAAP

David Friscia, MD, MBA

Dev Gnanadev, MD

Anupam Gupta, MD

Catherine Gutfreund, MD

Mina Hah, MD

Eric Hansen, DO, FAAFP

Paul Hegyi

Robert Hertzka, MD

Jennifer Hone, MD, FACE

Nathaniel Howard, MD

Jay Joseph, MD

Margaret Juarez, MD

Fahd Khan, MD, FACS, MPH

Paul Kirz, MD

Jeffrey Klingman, MD

Steve Koh, MD, MBA, MPH

Thelma Korpman, MD, MBA

Man-Kit Leung, MD

James Logan, MD

David Lubarsky, MD, MBA

Peter Mandell, MD

Paul Manos, DO

Robert Margolin, MD

Theodore Mazer, MD

Kelly McCue, MD

Susan McEntire

Kanae Mukai, MD

Douglas Murphy, MD

Vimal Nanavati, MD, FACC, FSCAI

John Nelson, MD

Jamie Ostroff

Katrina Peters, MD, MPH

Alexander Quick, MD

Albert Ray, MD

Susan Reynolds, MD

Dennis Rhyne, MD

Sion Roy, MD

Alecia Sanchez

James Schlund, MD, FACR

Michael Schrader, MD, PhD

James Schultz, MD, MBA, FAAFP

Michael Sequeira, MD

Barry Sheppard, MD

Stephen Skahen, MD

Mark Sornson, MD, PhD

Mike Steenburgh

Karl Steinberg, MD, FAAFP

Wynnshang Sun, MD

Satinder Swaroop, MD, FACC, FACP

Ronald Thurston, MD, MSP

Huynh Tran, MD, FACP

Dustin Wailes, MD

Paul Wang, MD

Gloria Wu, MD

Holly Yang, MD, MACP

Hamid Zadeh, MD, FACOG

Toluwalase Ajayi, MD

Peter Anderson, MD

Barbara Arnold, MD

William Arroyo, MD

Amin Ashrafzadeh, MD

Rollin Bailey, MD

Eric Ball, MD, FAAP

Dirk Baumann, MD, FACS

Jodi Black

Corrie Broudy, MD

Resa Caivano, MD

Joseph Carmichael, MD

Michelle Chapanian

Nina Chaya, MD

Melanie Crane, MD

Maisha Draves, MD

Kyle Edmonds, MD

Michele Evans, MD, MSPH

Catherine Ferguson, MD

Frank Flowers, MD

William Franklin, DO, FAAEM, FACEP, FACOEP, MBA

J. Alex Garcia-Young, MD

Sheirin Ghoddoucy

Debra Gierut, MD

Harshkumar Gohil, MD

Alexander Grand, MD

Dolores Green

Bonnie Hamilton, MD

Todd Harris, MD

James Hay, MD

Stephen Hayden, MD

Po-Yin Samuel Huang, MD, FAAFP

Steven Kmucha, MD, FACS, JD, MMM

Jeffery Lee, MD

Lance Lewis

David Li, MD

Quinn Lippmann, MD, FACOG, MPH

Debra Lupeika, MD, FAAFP

Robert Lurvey, MD, JD

Rachel Mayorga, MD

Erin Mellon

Aaron Meyer, MD

Manoj Mittal, MD, MBA

Sharon Moayeri, MD, MPH, MS

Tarek Moqattash, MD, FACP

Susan Murin, MD, MBA, MSc

Timothy Murphy, MD, DLFAPA

Emily Nagler, MD

Samuel Nyamu, MD

Aditi Patel, DO

Ellena Popova, MD

Theodore Quilligan, MD

Eileen Quintela, MD

Richard Rajaratnam, MD, FACS

Michele Raney, MD

Ryan Ribeira, MD, MPH

Kristen Rice, MD

Janice Rocco

Laurence Saben, MD

Nancy Schneider

Seema Sidhu, MD

Nathan Skadsen

Dennis Song, MD, DDS

James Strebig, MD, JD

Gary Tamkin, MD

Peter Teng, MD

Prashant Verma, MD

Matthew Vo, MD, MBA

Brian Wolk, MD

Richard Wong, MD

Andrew Wong, MD, MBA

Anna Yap, MD

Edward Yu, MD, FAAFP

CALPAC is a voluntary political organization that contributes to candidates for state and federal office who share our philosophy and vision of the future of medicine. Political law and CALPAC policy determines how your contribution to CALPAC is allocated.  CMA will not favor or disadvantage anyone based on the amounts of or failure to make PAC contributions, nor will it affect your membership status with the CMA. Contributions to PAC’s are voluntary and not limited to the suggested amounts.

Contributions are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes.

Contributions made in error may be refunded within thirty (30) days by contacting CALPAC at 1-800-786-4262.

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